Thursday, May 29, 2008

My Helper!

Say hello to my summer buddie! Kylie is my friend Jamie's (you can see her head in the background) 2 year old. She is adorable and hilarious and very entertaining. Jamie and Conrad and Kylie came over for dinner last night and I made pizza. Kylie wanted to help mix the dough. In the first picture she's helping me stir. She also "helped" me roll out the dough. She took a turn with the rolling pin but quickly switched to just picking little pieces out of the rolled out dough which you can sort of see in the second picture. You can also see from her face how clean I kept her. (Sorry Jamie) It was so nice to have her help! :)


Haley Webb said...

Good ones. It looks from the second picture like you rolled over her finger, and she is flabbergasted. You look tan :(

Seth and Sierra said...

Oh my goodness, she's gotten big! So cute!
Love your hair, by the way!

Caralee and Jon said...

Your hair is cute and you do look tan and skinny! I'm jealous I jsut keep getting bigger! It look like you guys are keeping pretty active. That's so much fun. Thanks for calling me the other day it was great talking with you.

LaRene said...

Lindsey, I haven't seen you for so long. I love your long hair. It's gorgeous.