Wednesday, October 1, 2008
Sunday night Haley & Brian were here and we played a few rounds of Guesstures. I think mostly everyone who looks at my blog knows what that is but just in case it is basically an electronic version of charades. We play is a lot and we have become more and more animated and comfortable acting crazy in front of each other. It is soo funny to watch. I decided it would be funny to capture some of these moments and took some pictures. Haley and I are very serious Guesstures players and we know each other well enough that when we are on the same team we generally win but Drew & Brian did get pretty into it this time and beat us a couple times.
Haley is probably the most animated of the bunch. I have a million funny pictures of her. It was hard to choose which ones I should post. If you hadn't guessed already the word she was acting out was "motorcycle" and you should definitely zoom in on her face for this one.
Drew's word was "tag". He tagged me and ran out of the room and was on his way back in when I snapped the picture. He is also VERY animated and intense when he plays this game.
Haley & I laughed so hard at this picture. We were just way too into it! My word was "beckon" and I grabbed a picture with Drew's mom Becky in it to get her going in the right direction but she just wasn't getting it and obviously both of us were very concerned about it.
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Ha ha! too funny! Even though I stink at that game, it's sure fun! miss you guys!
Fun!!! I love that game!!You guys look like you are having so much fun!! I need to buy that game!
Thank you, thank you for posting some great pictures for us to laugh at! You all look so fabulous! Wish I were there too see you all.
lol I love it! Looks like lots of fun :)
You guys are so funny! Thanks for coming out last night! We had fun. Oh and sorry about scaring you. I realized its not Deseret Book its the Distribution Center right when you walk in there is a thin free book I think with boxes and stuff right when you walk in. Hope that helps!!
Oh my I sure love these pictures. I am so excited to come and visit and play with you guys. two more weeks YEAH!!
I just had an awesome idea. We need family pictures and you are practically professional with your sweet camera. We could have a photo shoot and you could take out family pictures. If you want that is,
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