We had our first ultrasound and doctors appointment yesterday. The ultrasound was one of the most amazing things I've ever seen. I've been sick, my clothes have been getting tighter, and I even had a positive pregnancy test, but still part of me wasn't sure if there was really something in there or not until we got to see it up on that screen. It honestly was so exciting. Unfortunately the baby was in a funny spot so it was hard to get good pictures but here are a couple they got. The ultrasound tech let us watch it in 3D real time, and we could see him (I realize it really could be a girl) moving his arms and they said he was sucking his thumb. It was so exciting. Even though it really just looked like an alien Drew said the baby looks like him...I thought so too. :)

This is the baby looking at us. The two dark circle across from each other are the eye sockets. Drew and I laughed that the tech put "hi mommy" and "hi daddy" on the scariest looking picture. Thanks for that!
This one is my favorite. Its a profile shot and his feet are up in the air. So amazing!
Oh yay! So fun huh? I'm glad everything is looking good!!
I'm so excited for you guys! So, the baby wasn't letting you see his girl or boy parts, or are you waiting to find out? How exciting and fun to see the first ultrasound. I remember with Cameron, how it didn't feel real until I saw the ultrasound. Good luck with the pregnancy. Oh, and I love the baby pictures of you guys.
I felt the same way--seeing your baby on the screen makes everything a reality. We're so happy for you--hope the next few months fly by!
I can't wait to find out the sex! Aren't you like 11 weeks now? I hope that you are feeling better and the meds worked.
How exciting! Ultrasounds are one of my favorite things. :) I hope you're feeling better! Can't wait to find out what the sex is!
How far along are you? I remember getting our first ultrasound at 9 weeks. That was so amazing. It made me feel closer to Lexi and like she was real.
so when is your official DUE DATE?!? The pictures are so cute. I am definetly pregnant cause I started tearing up when I was looking at them. I am so happy for you guys.
I love getting ultrasounds. That is so exciting that you got to see 'him'.
Congrats! We are so happy for you! Yay! :)
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