We just got the most exciting news! Drew got an internship for this summer with Deloitte here in Pittsburgh. It really is another amazing opportunity for him. He is basically glowing like a pregnant woman over this.(I don't really think pregnant woman glow so it might actually be better.) It is a consulting company which is what he really wants to get into. He has been kind of discouraged with his interviews for other companies and he wanted this one soo bad. We said lots of prayers and he did lots of studying and preparing and it worked. We are elated!
Congrats Drew!!
that is great, congrats!
Awesome, that means we can continue our girls nights into the summer... speaking of which, we need to get together! We've gotten a little off schedule!
PS - Darcy is adorable!!!
That is so exciting. Congratulations.
congrats! that's awesome!
Yeah! Good for you guys. Way to go Drew!
That's really good! Go Drew!
That is so awesome. Congrats Drew!
We are so proud of Drew! I know how badly you wanted this internship. Since I have already resigned myself to you being far away for a year and a half I am glad you got the internship that makes your life more simple, by staying put.
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