Tuesday, March 30, 2010

8 Months!

The months are just flying by! I can't believe in only four months Darcy will be a year old. The first four months of her life went by so fast I know it will come all too soon. We are having so much fun with her. We love to make her laugh and watch her pick up new things. She is a serious cutie! Drew and I both have mentioned a few times how much we wish we could be close to family so they could see all of these fun different stages. Nine more months and hopefully we will be headed back to the wild wild west!

Things we want to remember about Darcy's eighth month:

- 18 lbs. 8 oz. and 28 inches. Taller and lighter!

- Goes to sleep for the night at 8 and wakes up at 7! I am loving this! I am finally starting to remember what it felt like to feel rested and it is great. She takes an hour and a half nap around 9 and then another hour and a half nap around 2:30. It is so great to have a schedule.

- She is pushing herself up on her knees. She rocks back and forth on her knees but doesn't go anywhere. She also likes to hold the push-up position for a second sometimes.

- Makes the "mamama" and "dadada" sounds all the time. She makes other sounds but those are mainly the ones we really listen for.

- Four teeth! Two top and two bottom.

- She loves to go outside. The cold bothers me more than it bothers her. She never complains at all when we're outside.

- She loves bath time and splashes like crazy. Yesterday after her bath I was soaked, and I didn't get in the water. :)

- She is starting to get over only wanting her mom. She is letting Drew hold her for longer and longer periods of time. Strange men make her cry.

- She absolutely loves to eat anything and everything. She has never met a food she didn't like. (We even gave her a taste of lemon juice and she kept reaching for the bottle like she wanted more.) She can feed herself graham crackers which is really nice because it keeps her occupied for a long time.

The close-up. She does not cooperate when we take pictures anymore. I can never catch her smiling. :(
The full body shot. I think it looks like she's doing some kind of yoga pose in this one.
On her hands and knees.
Holding push-up position.


Haley Webb said...

Well, when you do push ups like this, then of course you will be getting lighter. What happened to the baby contest post, I just saw it as a new post, but it says it is no longer there? Is Darcy in a contest?

Lindsey said...

She is in a contest. I just signed her up for fun, but then I saw that in order to vote you have to enter your email address and I didn't think anyone would want to do that. So I was just going to forget about it.

Tiff said...

She is so cute and buff too-look at those push ups! I love her chubby cheeks!

Collin and Tiffany said...

That last picture is pretty impressive!! She is so cute!!

Brittany said...

wow look at darcy go with those push ups. i think she is better at it than i am. :)

Sharee said...

That push-up picture is hilarious! Pretty soon you will be wishing for the days when she would stay where you put her! I will be sad when she loses those cheeks...she is so cute!

Laura Howe said...

I am sure you don't get sick of hearing it, so I am just going to say it again. I just love her, she is so cute! I love the face and her push ups. :) You guys made a good one. I am gald she is sleeping so good for you, that is the best.

Heidi said...

she is so cute. I can not believe how big she is getting. And yes they grow so fast. Jacob just turned one and I can not believe it. I am glad that everything is going well!

Heidi said...

she is so cute. I can not believe how big she is getting. And yes they grow so fast. Jacob just turned one and I can not believe it. I am glad that everything is going well!

Kristen and Alex said...

Wow! Darcy is strong! She is adorable too! I'm so glad that she is sleeping better for you. I am sure you are so relieved so get more sleep and to have her on a schedule. Schedules make life much easier. Isn't the outside thing funny? Delson was and is ALWAYS happy when we are outside. It is nice that babies never complain when they are outside. It makes it really nice. I'm sure you will like it even more when the weather gets nicer. Hope you get to visit soon. We miss you guys.