I just can't believe we have already had 11 months with Darcy. At first it didn't really go that fast for me. Every day felt so long because I was so tired, but the last few months have flown by now that I am more rested. :) We have little challenges here and there, but every night we go to bed talking about how lucky and happy we are to have this sweet little person in our home, and how much extra joy we have in our lives because of her. The hard times make the good times that much better. We love this baby girl!
Things we want to remember about Darcy's eleventh month:
- 20 lbs. 8 oz. 28 1/2 inches. Finally some growth! This was all just according to my scale again though, so hopefully this happens at her appointment next month too.
- Two 1 1/2 hour naps. One in the morning. One in the afternoon. Goes down for the night around 7:30 and wakes up around 6:30.
- She pulls herself up on everything and has started letting go for a second every once and a while to stand.
- She has started folding her arms when she sees us doing it for prayers. We didn't even try to get her to do it. She just came up with it on her own. She used to clap whenever we said amen at the end of prayers.
- She loves to climb the stairs. We follow her up the stairs so many times every day. She hasn't figured out going back down yet.
- Her new dance moves are rocking back and forth on her hands and knees and swinging her arms side to side really fast while she's sitting. We get a serious kick out of her dancing.
- She loves the piano and our laptops and always wants to pound on the keys.
- She has started throwing little fits. I did not expect that this early. If anyone has any advice about how to nip that in the bud that would be great!
- Now that she is getting more mobile she is starting to have all kinds of injuries. No fun!

The close-up.

Darcy is not friends with the camera anymore. It is close to impossible to get a picture of her smiling anymore without Drew behind me doing something awesome. I got her some cheerios to keep her happy for a full-body shot. You can tell she's just thrilled.

Darcy decided to give me a little present for her 11 month birthday. She was playing in the kitchen on the shelves she always plays on. I had moved everything I thought would be dangerous or potentially messy (or so I thought.) She got really quiet and I have heard a million times from other moms that that is a bad sign, but I thought I had removed any threats. I was WRONG! She had gotten into the shortening! I had no idea she would be able to take the lid off. She has never done that before, and I will be moving the shortening so it will never happen again. I'm afraid my kitchen floor is doomed to be a slip-n-slide forever more.
Darcy is so cute...and tan! I'm not use to babies who have color I guess! LOL.
I don't know what it is that attracts kids to shortening...but I have my own shortening story too - Marci & Jeni (probably Heidi too) used my large shortening can as a stepping stool to get something off a high shelf and in so doing, their foot slipped into the shortening and of course was covered with the greasy stuff when pulled out. It didn't take them long to figure out how slippery their feet were with shortening on them and pretty soon they were slip sliding away all over the kitchen floor. It was a MESS and the hardest thing to scrub. So I had to laugh when I saw little Darcy's face covered with it. She's darling...
So funny!! they are magic, Lindy broke a fingernail polish jar a couple weeks ago, not fun, I thought those were supposed to me unbrakeable. :) The messes have begun. anything can be made into a mess. She's so cute! Good luck with the fits, I am not sure there is a fix for that one.
Darcy is so cute!!! We missed you guys at the family reunion and wished we could have seen Darcy. I can't believe she will be one at the end of the month. She's adorable!
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