This news is a couple weeks old, but I thought it was better to do it late than not at all. My brother Nick got home from his mission a couple weeks ago. He started serving in the Tucson, Arizona mission, but then his mission was split and he ended in the Albuquerque, New Mexico mission. It was crazy how two years felt like a long time until he was home, and then it felt like it had flown by.
He flew into the little airport here in Pasco and we had lots of family and a few friends there to greet him which was pretty funny because we practically took up the whole place. I felt bad for the other passengers who had to squish by our big group to get out. He ended up getting off the plane almost last, and there were lots of people from his flight who got off before him who saw us and our sign and were telling us, "He's coming. I saw him!"
We all were saying how we didn't even think we were going to cry at all, but of course the moment we saw him we all bawled like babies. It was SO exciting to see him and to know he had been somewhere where he was doing something so great for two years. We are proud of him and his service and we are happy to have him home.

The sign holders. Shay, Emily and Darcy, Ashley, and Lainey

A blurry picture of Nick making his entrance.

A hug from Mom.

A hug from Dad (and Ashley).

A hug from Haley.

Nick with my Mom and Dad. (We thought it seemed so appropriate to take these pictures in front of the cocktails sign.)

A family picture (I really should have gotten a picture of the whole group!). Brian, Haley, Mom, Ashley, Nick, Emily, Dad, Darcy, Drew, and Me.