We had an ultrasound today to find out what we're having. The ultrasound tech said she was pretty sure she was seeing boy parts, but she wasn't %100 sure. We have pictures (but for some reasons she didn't put them on the CD so I can't put them on here) that are showing the gender and it seems pretty obvious to me, but maybe I don't really know what I'm looking at. We tried everything to get him to move around, but nothing worked. We will have another ultrasound in a few weeks, but for now I am saying He, Him, and His! I hate calling my baby "it" or "the baby". I love ultrasounds though!! I especially love the 3D part. It's so amazing. Here are some pictures. His umbilical cord was in front of his face so there is a little blurry spot.

In other news:

I thought I was 20 weeks, but I found out today I was a week behind. So I guess I'm 21 weeks tomorrow. The bump is growing.

When I got out of the shower today I found THIS! She wrote all over her balloon and herself. Drew hates to be written on but I don't mind, and obviously Darcy is on my side! I love her stance. Hey Coolio!

Check out that art work!

Our house got painted this past week. I mostly like it but I wish the trim color was lighter. It's surrounding white window frames and I think it looks a little muddy against them. They won't change it, so I guess I will paint it later. I can live with it though.
Yay for boys!!! I don't usually hear that they can't really tell the gender, but I hope you know for sure next time!! Kinda a bummer that you've been bumped another week backward. You look amazing! Wish I was as tiny as you! :)
Oh I just re-read that! haha You're a week ahead! That's awesome!!
congrats lindsey!!! he will be such a cutie. and you are looking very cute too my friend! hope you are feeling good. we love you and miss you!
Yeah! It is time for you to have a boy now! That is so exciting! I can't believe that you are that far along already. The time is flying by! And the house looks AWESOME!
By the way....how are you that tiny for 20 weeks? That is amazing!
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