Darcy loves Dora these days. A couple weeks ago she watched the Halloween episode on Netflix and I decided she could be a black cat like Dora. So yesterday after I dressed her up I let her watch that episode again. She loved that they were dressed the same.

This is SO fake. I can't believe it actually looks like she's happy right here. She had just gotten done with the biggest melt down of her life. And really she was still kind of in the middle of it. She has always been the best eater, but this past week she decided she didn't want to eat anything but candy, fruit, and a few beans or peas here and there. Her diapers are suffering. So we told her she couldn't come to the party until she had eaten five bites of her dinner and it was like a war. It was so awful. I have never seen her so upset, and I don't know if I have ever been so upset as a mom either. It's getting better though.

I am normally not a fan of cats, but I love this one!

Drew's mom got this costume for Ezra and I thought he looked so adorable!

Cute little tiger face.

Darcy trunk-or-treating. About half way through she told me she was done and we went home.

This isn't a good picture, but the trunk-or-treat was huge. I have never been to one like that.

I always love pictures over the shoulder of babies when they're this little. (Drew pointed out to me after I had already done it that the whiskers on Ezra's face were redundant. But we were late and I thought they looked so cute so I didn't take them off. haha)

Drew and Ezra were in charge of passing out our candy.

Me and my little black cat.

Yay for family pictures!

When we got home I took Darcy across the street to a few of our neighbors and then she was ready to be done.

When we were done she trick-or-treated to Drew. :)
Such a cute Kitty and Tiger! You guys are looking great. Can't wait to see you soon!
SO cute! Love the costumes and the adorable kiddos!
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