Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Drew & Darcy

I am playing catch up.

A few weeks ago Drew and Darcy went on their first daddy daughter date. I suggested he take her to this frozen yogurt place close to our house since they hardly ever have anything with milk in it because of Ezra's allergies.

This is a big deal people!! Darcy is terrified of motorcycles (and anything that makes a similar noise) and doesn't even like to go near them. Haley and Brian are house-sitting for our family friends who happen to have a couple scooters. We had this idea that since they are quiet maybe we could show Darcy how fun it is to have a ride on that kind of thing. Drew just walked into the house, picked Darcy up without saying anything, took her outside, and they got on the scooter together. She immediately started crying but nothing too serious. After a couple times up and down the road she had calmed down. My family and I were standing by the road cheering for her which helped it be a little less scary for her I think. She didn't want to go for another ride, but maybe someday.

This one doesn't involve Drew except that he was the audience. A couple weeks ago Darcy dreamed up this hilarious little magic show. She came up with her costume, pulled her little table into my room, and got all her props. She did the same routine every time.

 Squirt some water into her mouth and touch the globe a few times (I didn't get a picture of that part)

Take her hat off

 Reach into her hat and say "I'm going to pull a rabbit out of my hat."

Pull her "rabbit" out of her hat and yell "TA DA!" (Just look at that face! I can't get enough of it.)

She did this very same routine over and over again and we LOVED it!

1 comment:

Brittany said...

aw so cute! i miss darcy so much and you guys too! i wish maza could play with her and ezra. i know she would love it. loved all your blog posts! hopefully i will get a chance to catch up with ours now.