Friday, January 4, 2013

Luke's Visit

My brother Luke came home for a visit before Christmas. It was the first time since my wedding (7 1/2 years ago) that we have all been at home together and it was so much fun. 
 The boys (or are they men?) :) had some fun on their motorcycles. This is Luke doing a wheelie. Cool, but always slightly scary for me. 

 Ezra had his first motorcycle ride! He was a little worried at first, but quickly changed his mind and enjoyed his freezing ride.

We had a little snow and Emily gave Darcy a few rides on the sled, which Darcy loved of course.
 Sunday after church we decided we needed some siblings pictures. I really do love this picture.

 I thought we needed to do some silly posing, and these pictures kill me! Nick's face in this one makes me laugh so hard every time I look at it!

 Another good one. I think the rest of us were trying to duplicate a funny face Ashley had made in another picture, but apparently Nick didn't get that memo. Once again, his face kills me.

I am just realizing the rest of my pictures are of Darcy and this post is supposed to be about Luke visiting, but I promise, he was here for these events. Haha.

 We were having some snacks one day and Darcy was seeing the big guys stack their meat and cheese a couple layers thick, so she decided to make this for herself. Ha! I would have liked to see her try to fit that in her mouth.

 We all went bowling and then everyone came to our house for dinner. This was Darcy's first time bowling and I could not get over how cute those little bowling shoes looked on her feet.

 Pictures just don't do them justice. 

I don't know why none of the rest of us thought to do this victory dance. :)

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