Thursday, February 14, 2013

18 Months!

 Ezra is 18 months. It is so shocking to me that he is now old enough to go to nursery. He is such a sweet, fun little guy and I am so happy I get to be his mama.

Some things we want to remember about Ezra at 18 months:

- 24.6 lbs. (31st percentile) He keeps creeping up in percentile which makes me feel good. 31 inches.

- He sleeps from 7:30 at night to around 7 in the morning. (Although this morning he slept until 8 which is absolutely unheard of for him!Yay!) He takes a 2-2 1/2 hr. nap around noon.

- He is repeating everything these days. He says mama, dada, Darcy, Em, Ash, Nick, Grandma, Grandpa, uh-oh, ball, football, and a lot more I can't think of. He knows the animal sounds for a horse, cow, gorilla, monkey, dog, and cat, and possibly some other I can't think of again.

- He loves baths. He also loves to throw whatever he can find into a bathtub with water in it. Darcy always has to watch out when he's out and she's in because you never know what he might throw in at you. I have had to rescue shoes, a book (luckily I caught the book before it hit the water), sippy cups, lots of different toys, etc.

- He is a speedy little one. He loves to run and is pretty darn fast. He loves to throw a football, but so far he doesn't really move his arms to catch it if you throw it back to him most of the time, which cracks me up.

- He still loves climbing on and jumping off of things.

- He loves to play with Darcy, but has a little more of an opinion these days. He won't always do exactly what she wants him to, which is hard for her to understand.

- We have been taking him to a naturepath just in case they can somehow help with his allergies. She just gave us a huge new list of foods he is allergic to, but I have been doing some research and talking to a different doctor, and besides the foods we already knew he was allergic to I have been ignoring her about this new list for the most part. I hope I am not being stupid, but I am kind of going with my gut on this one. He is a happy growing boy, and I don't see all those foods she listed affecting him like milk and wheat do. I also just can't bear to take away that many more options from his diet that he seems to love. We'll see I guess.

- He is such a crazy, funny dancer. He can really groove if he's in the right mood. The other day at my parents' house Darcy was showing everyone her arabesque she has been working on at her dance class. Ezra walked in and had to join her. He was walking around the room holding on to different things and lifting his leg straight behind him. He has done it around our house a few times since. Funny boy.

- I often wonder if there is any other baby in the whole world that resists as much as he does at getting his clothes or diaper changed. He is unbelievable!! Every time I realize he needs his diaper changed my heart sinks, and I have to really pump myself up to go get the job done.
 That face! Gets me every time. 
That drool on his shirt. Not so much.
That bruise on his forehead. Dang, not again.

Darcy took this one. Cuteness.

1 comment:

Tiffany Cramer said...

Cody and Kylee both were fighters when it came to diaper changes...I just thought that's how kids were. Then Livy came along and she was so easy. It was so nice to feel like changing a diaper was a one person job instead of a wrestling match. :)