Well everyone else did it so I'm going to have an anniversary post. It has been a very fabulous three years for us. I really can't believe how fast it has gone. Yesterday Drew had a day off and we ran all over the place all day long. First we went golfing which was really fun. The weather was amazing, low 80's, no humidity, slight breeze...perfect. We went to panera bread for lunch, then we went to a movie, then to dinner at this aquarium restaurant, and then to the Cheesecake Factory for dessert. So basically the name of the game was a day where I didn't have to cook anything and we could eat more than any human being ever should. I loved it. It was so nice to have Drew with me for the day. I wish we could do it more often. Here are some pictures to celebrate!
The only wedding picture I have on this computer. Not my favorite, but it will do.
On the beach on the 4th of July. (Becky working on her brain age beside us)
Really excited about the easter eggs! (Notice the psychotic look from me)

Waiting for our turn and looking oh so sporty!

Dinner at the aquarium place. You can sort of see the fish swimming around behind us.
Happy Anniversary! Sounds like you had lots of fun! :)
Oh congrats you two! Isn't it great being married? How did the insurance work out?
love this post..so cute. and oh my gosh your face is so funny in that picture!!! congrats on 3 years!
Lookin good Lindsey. I bet everyone is jealous of how good you look, I totally am. Congratualtions on 3 years.
Hey, what's up? Why haven't you posted a picture of your new haircut yet? I have been waiting!
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