Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Bored Stiff and Baby Things

I am really just posting for something to do. A few weeks ago I started working as a secretary at the company Drew is doing his internship with. The secretary quit and they needed kind of an emergency fill-in. The first couple weeks were pretty hectic and crazy because no one knew what I was supposed to be doing so we were having to figure everything out and then I was having to get everything caught up. Unfortunately though, that is all over now. This morning I got here at 8. I was done with everything I needed to do in the first 5 minutes!! I am all alone upstairs with no one to talk to and nothing to do. I have looked at every blog on the face of the earth I think....twice! I look at my facebook every few minutes and then I check my family website. I have looked at cribs, baby clothes, strollers, car seats, maternity clothes, apartments in Pittsburgh, things to do in Philly, and on and on and on. I am out of things to search for that I care about at all. I'm tired of the internet. I am definitely whining right now and I'm sorry about that, but I am going crazy. The saddest part is that the weather is so nice outside and I have to sit inside doing nothing. Only a week and a half left. I can make it..........right?

I guess on a happier note I am feeling my 6 1/2 inch 10 oz. baby move all the time now. I love it. I actually just looked down and saw my stomach jump. I haven't really seen it until now. I need to hold this baby! Sometimes I wish I could kick this pregnancy thing into overdrive, but then I remember how scared I am of the exit process. I just really have to try not to think about that too much. I think I know that my body will survive the process, but I'm a little nervous that I will worry myself to death before my body can do its job.

This morning when he thought no one was looking I caught Drew looking at the ultrasound pictures and grinning. I guess I'm not totally sure what he was grinning about, but I thought it was so cute. He will be the best dad. He is the only reason I have any confidence that I can make it through this. I'm sure lucky to have him!


Middletonfamily said...

You will do great! Remember if it was totally horrible and unforgetalbe no one would do it again. Especially me because I am the biggest baby, and I have 2 kids!:-)
Plus once you get to the last couple of weeks you will be so done with being pregnant. That you will literally go through anything just to have your baby out so you can have her here already!
You should look up baby names while you are bored at work. Just an idea to pass the time!

Caralee and Jon said...

Lindsey, you are so cute! I love watching my belly dance all over b/c of being pregnant, I hope no other reason~ haha. ANyways, I'm so excited for you guys! You both will be amazing parents! You are right, don't think about the exit process too much or trying to hurry it along. You can come down and hold my baby anytime!! We would love to see you guys before you move out east! You should read babywise before you have the baby, helps with sleeping and schedules and stuff. If you want reading material at work!? Hope you are doing well!!

Laura Howe said...

It sounds like you need a good book to read. (Milas and read the Hunger Games thats a good one)

I am so glad you are having a baby. I love that Drew is excited too. Good luck with the nest week and half.