Monday, March 16, 2009

I Guess We Have to Become Steelers Fans...

Drew has been applying for master's programs for the past couple months and this Friday he got some really amazing news. He has been accepted to Carnegie Mellon in Pittsburgh with a half tuition scholarship! Much to Drew's dismay not very many people have heard of Carnegie Mellon, so no one really gets the significance of him being accepted there. This school is ranked #1 in his field!! People choose to go there over Harvord and other Ivy League schools because it's such an amazing program. He actually applied there not expecting to be accepted at all. It was a free application so he said "why not". He is tempted to call and ask what they were thinking. :) He is in shock but couldn't possibly be more excited. I'm am so proud of him!!

We have to be in Pittsburgh on August 11th which is only 6 days after my due date! He told me that this morning and I almost had a panic attack. I'm sure everything will work out though. Hopefully this baby comes early. I'm a little bit scared to be so far away from home with a bran new baby and without a big group of friends to hang out with, but this is such an amazing opportunity there is no way we could pass it up. Congratulations Drew!!!


Caralee and Jon said...

Wow Congratulations!! With the stress of moving and being so close to your due date I bet you will go early. Good luck! I know it was hard for me too but luckily we moved into a great ward very willing to help! Hopefully you will too!

JaMie said...

That is AmaZing! We are so proud of him!!!

Attitude of Gratitude said...

It will all work out and CONGRATS to you guys. Way to go Drew! Enjoy those winters though. . .

Heidi said...

Congrats! I know how you are feeling about the baby coming early. That is how I am feeling right now, you know with leaving for the summer in a couple of weeks. But that is awesome I am so excited for you guys. Can't wait to see you.

Tyler said...

That's good! Don't become Steelers fans though.

LaRene said...

That is great news! that will be such a fun adventure. Things will all work out however that will be. At least you will have a baby to keep you busy while Drew has his head in the books again.:)

Tiffany said...

Hey! This is Tiffany Rhodes, do you remember me from the APX cabin? I too am bored right now and reading a million people's blogs... :) I can't even remember who I found yours through. But I had to tell you, I HAVE heard of Carnegie Mellon! We read this book called The Last Lecture for book club and there was this amazing professor there that died of cancer not too long ago and gave this lecture. You'll have to read it. Well, good luck with eveything and the baby! Our blog is but it is private so if you ever want to look (if you're still bored) email me at and I can add you. Bye! (And the exit process isn't that bad. It's amazing how resiliant the woman's body is. We're like superheros.)

Middletonfamily said...

Hey Christensens! It's Jay. Listen, I wanted you to know how excited we are for you guys! Carnegie Melon is a huge deal, and anyone in "the know" knows that! It is a fantastic program. I've had two professors who have gone there, and professors there are always on the cutting edge of research. Very cool news, congrats and best of luck!