Things we want to remember about Darcy's second month:
-14 lbs. 12 oz.! 23 1/2 inches. Almost twice her birth weight.
-People always guess she is around 4-6 months old instead of 2!
-Loves diaper changing time! That's when she smiles the most.
-Really happy in the morning.
-She is getting really good at holding her head up during tummy time. The doctor said she will be rolling over by four months. She's already starting to try.
-Her three hours of crying at night has now gotten down to 15 minutes!
-Making lots of cute baby noises.
-Loves taking a bath and is starting to kick in the water. Hates getting out.
I took her to the doctor yesterday for her two month well baby checkup and forgot they had told me she was going to have shots (I know, how brain-dead could I be). I was not prepared. I need to have some time to prepare myself mentally for these things. It was so horrible. It completely broke my heart. I was trying to be tough, but I ended up bawling anyway. It just killed me because she was laying there on the table and I was talking to her and she was smiling and making cute baby noises and then BAM! Then she started screaming. She was starting to calm down again when they hit her with the next one. They did it three times!! They have just got to figure out how to do all that in one shot. I hate that she doesn't know what's going on. I can just hear her saying "Mom, why are you letting them do this to me? I thought you loved me!!" It still breaks my heart to think about it. I just wanted to cuddle with her the rest of the day. The whole rest of the day she took really long naps that I had to wake her up from to eat, and I could hear her whimpering in her sleep...soo sad. I have always hated shots, but it was ten times worse to have my baby get poked.