Sunday, June 30, 2013

8th Anniversary

We had just gotten back from our trips and we almost chose to just stay home, but at the last minute we decided we needed to go do some celebrating for our anniversary. I asked Haley (who had also just gotten back from the trip the day before) if she could manage another little jont our way to watch our kids so we could go out, and she and Brain were so kind to come to our rescue! We went to eat at this little restaurant in an old train car called Monterosso's. We loved what we ate there. Then we went to the new Superman movie that we both really loved. Since we had been apart the week before it was really nice to go spend an evening out together to celebrate our anniversary.

Eight years is starting to sound pretty serious! It has been a really awesome eight years!


Brittany said...

so serious!! :) congrats. we love you guys!

melanie said...

Happy Anniversary!