Sunday, June 2, 2013


I had a bunch of random pictures on my camera from May to share.
 We took the roller coaster out of its box again and I put the kids in it which they thought was so fun.

 They had a tea party at Darcy's dance class a couple weeks ago that the kids got to dress up for. 

 All the cute dancers at their tea party. 

 Most mornings Ezra is so happy when he wakes up, especially if Darcy is asleep and he gets lots of one on one time. Drew was working from home this day, and Ezra was so happy to hang out with him. 

 The other day while I was getting ready I let the kids watch a show on my laptop in my bed. I walked in and they were snuggled close and had their heads leaning against each other.

 We were in Mattawa for Memorial Day weekend. Drew's dad had hay down and rain was in the forecast. They needed to get it raked quickly, so Drew got to drive a tractor for a couple days. I thought the kids needed to go have a ride, so we went and joined him for a bit. Neither of them were very happy about getting in that tractor, but once we were in they were alright. P.S. The rain got the hay anyway. Bummer.

 It was supposed to rain on Monday, so the guys had to rake on Sunday. I had to take the kids to church by myself. We made it halfway through sacrament meeting, and Ezra was coughing like a crazy man which he had not been doing until right when church started. He was also crying and squirmy and Darcy was crying, so I took Ezra to Drew in the tractor. He fell asleep on the ride, and Darcy and I enjoyed the rest of church!

 I am realizing now I don't know where these actually came from, but somehow Ezra ended up with these awesome skates on at my mom's house.

 Haley and Brian made this really awesome play house out of a cardboard box Haley found at my mom's. Sunday afternoon we were sitting outside and these guys decided to see how many people they could fit in their house. They were trying to get Nick to get in there with them. :)

 The easiest way for them to all get out.

 Darcy and Ezra watering my mom's flowers together.

 I went to peek at Ezra during his nap the other day and found him with his leg propped up and his hand in the air.

 Cute kids with bubble hats. I was showing them how they looked in a mirror when I took this picture.

This past week our friend invited us to go visit the police station with a big group. It was fun to go check it out, and we all went and played at the park and had a picnic when we were done which the kids loved!


Jefferson and Karalee said...

Darcy's tea party dress is so cute! I love your headboard on your bed! Is that your headboard of your wall? What ever it is, I love it!

Lindsey said...

Thanks! That is our headboard. We made it from some wood my dad had laying around at his house.