For the last four anniversaries we have really gone all out. We usually make it a day long extravaganza. This year because Drew had to work and because Darcy is still not ready for a babysitter (or maybe I'm not) we decided it would be OK to keep it low key. Not every anniversary can be a major production I guess. Drew skipped having a lunch break and came home early which was awesome. Then we headed downtown to go to dinner. On the way there our car started sputtering and the check engine light came on. We pulled over and got up under the hood in our dress clothes. I was kind of like a mechanic in high heels! (Let's be honest, everyone knows it was really Drew doing most of the work...but I really did help.) We did a few things and looked in the owners manual and it said it was OK to drive but just to take it in soon. Drew was especially frustrated by this situation because we have put far too much money into this car, and this was another thing on our list. Thankfully though it lasted the rest of the night and we got to have our dinner. We went to a Philippino restaurant that Drew had been eying. He really loved his food. Mine was a little boring, but still good, and it was a really cute little place. Darcy loves going out anywhere where there are people around to watch and if there is food that's even better, so she was great. We were happy to make it home safely.
Being married is the best. We have learned so much from each other and we are excited to keep growing together forever more. I love you Drew!

Drew and I after diner.

An anniversary picture with our favorite tag-along!
1 comment:
Happy Anniversary. You guys look great!! What cute pics.
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