Saturday, July 25, 2009

All Nerves

So I have ten more days until this baby is supposed to be here and it is quite possible that I am more nervous than I have ever been in my life (which if you know me is a pretty big deal...I'm always nervous). Drew and I didn't get a chance to take a childbirth class, which I think would have been really good for me just because it would have helped me know a little better what to expect and would have given me some ideas about what I need to do to calm down. I know there are lots of baby-having experts out there, so if you have any ideas or advice for me let me know (let me know even if you're not an expert). Does anyone have any great delivery tricks? I just want to cry. :)

I mentioned to my doctor that my mom had six babies all between 8 1/2 - 12 lbs. and that I was a little nervous about how big my baby would be. So he sent me in for an ultrasound on Thursday. I was so excited because I thought I was basically going to get to see just what she was going to look like in a couple weeks, but I was so wrong. She is too big at this point so you can only see little parts of her at a time. They tried to show us her face, but it was really squished and we really couldn't see much at all. We couldn't even tell if she has hair or not.

At first the ultrasound tech said very matter-of-factly that she weighed 7 lb. 9 oz. and would gain about 1/2 lb. a week. She then added a minute later that that could be give or take a pound. A pound!? That's a huge difference in a new baby! So, just like I assumed before this baby will probably come out weighing somewhere between 7 and 9 lbs. Big surprise!! I just really hope she will fit in her newborn clothes.

We are so excited to meet this sweet baby and see what she looks like and dress her up in all these tiny clothes (don't forget that tutu) and hold her and change her diapers (Drew is actually still trying to get out of that one) and take care of her and everything. What a huge but exciting change! Wish us luck (or maybe prayers will work better)!


Dione said...

I thought for sure Brynne was going to be a 10 pound baby to because of how much my moms babies she was a week late, she was only 8.5..which for our family is little haha. My labor advice? EPIDURAL!

Melanie and Jake said...

I would agree with that Epidural advice!!! Some people avoid them because it can slow down labor but if you wait to get it until you are about a 5 it shouldn't do that (but if you can't wait that long it's ok). You could always go to the library and get a childbirth class dvd. That's what I did and it helped.

Kristen and Alex said... will be great. The delivery part isn't that bad if you get an epidural like everyone else has said. That helps calm you down a lot and take away all the pain of labor and it is wonderful. You can enjoy labor much more that way. Just remember to take deep breaths like I'm sure you have seen on TV and really focus on your breathing. That will help to calm you down and get thru the labor pains. I am so excited to see this baby girl too. You are in our prayers. We love you!

Chelsea said...

The day before i gave birth the dr told me Bens was going to be 7 lbs. He was 8lbs 12 oz. Hate to break it to ya, but ultra sounds arent that least in my case it wasnt even close! I was nervous to, you will do great though really. Just remember when your in labor, that it wont last more than a day!! It will be over, keep the end in mind. You go Girl!! She will be a doll in that tutu. I have made several of those too, and I dont even have a girl...

Seth and Sierra said...

I see everyone is kinda preaching epidural haha...

If you choose to get one, that great, but if you choose not to, it's honestly not as bad as you think it will be. (trust me...I don't deal with pain...but I did!) The worst part is the shortest part, you're pushing through most of it then she's out and you're done! I only pushed a half hour with Porter when I've heard of women with epidurals labor being longer and pushing lasting hours. The recovery is faster without one, and you can walk around right after she's born...BUT it's up to you.

I did have Stadol...or a narcotic, and that helped ease the pain for about four hours until I started pushing. I slept with that through most of long stage of labor, so that's another option.

Try to go as long as you can without it, and you might surprise yourself...

My advice...breath through your contractions as much as possible. The birthing class honsestly didn't help me much. I just breathed through the contractions like I do whenever I'm in pain and didn't follow the weird breaths they had us practice. Do what works for you.

Bring things to distract you: your ipod, a book, watch tv...whatever works best for you to keep your mind off the pain. Drew can help with massaging (if he's doing that he might want to bring tennis balls in socks...easier on his hands over a long time), he can help by getting things you need, help distract you by helping your breathing and reassuring you... Mind over matter!! You can do it!!

Jiggle Johnson said...

My advice is lots of prayer and blessing and family. With those things you can get through anything... yes even labor!Good luck!

Mr. & Mrs. Martinez said...

No worries... you're gonna do great. I can't believe you only have a few days left. By the looks of things, I'm thinking she will weigh in the 7lb. range. Your belly is too little to have any bigger.

Kemp and Whitney said...

wow that's pretty crazy! It's going to be so awesome! I can't wait to see pictures!

Caralee and Jon said...

You will do great Lindsey!! Epidural all the way!! It will help you calm down and push better when the time comes. If you aren't stressed out the whole time and in pain you could take a nap before having to push! You are in shape which will help the labor process as well~ You are tougher than you think! Good luck~ I'm so excited for you guys~

Jennes said...

Lindsey, Dad's advice for you is "don't forget to sing".

He isn't talking about during the labor but now that you are worrying so much. He is worried that you will get so freaked out between now and the time you go in to have the baby that you will forget to sing. That's you Lindsey, (so is the crazy worrying) but you can choose what you concentrate on. I'll talk to you some more, Honestly you don't really have to practice breathing techniques a lot, I'll show you some little breathing things if you want, but the main thing I think is that you try to remember what I've told you before, "You CAN do hard things, You've done them before, you can do it again. Keep your eye on the prize...little Darcy at the end of the workout!

Milas Howe said...

Before I say anything, I should probably point out that I'm not capable of having children. I'm a male specimen. BUT, I can give Drew-mug some pointers. Sorry if it seems I'm long-winded, it's probably because I am (but you don't have to read this if you start falling asleep).

1. Pack some snacks for yourself - you're going to get hungry, and if having your first one is anything like ours or anyone else that I've talked to, you'll be so focused on making sure that everything is ok with both Linds and the baby that you won't have time to eat much. That's where those snacks come in handy. My personal favorite is beef jerky and EZ-Cheese (on crackers like those garden vegetable ones, but you don't have to get my favorite snacks). And don't eat in front of Lindsay because she'll be so full on ice chips that all that food will make her vomit.

2. Once they pump Lindsay full of that epidural stuff, try to sleep. Unless it goes quick, you might not want to sleep, then you might miss the birth.

3. Don't cuss.

4. Don't forget your snacks.

Milas Howe said...

So after I told Laura about my advice to Drew-mug, she told me to add one more thing. Which now becomes Laura's section of the advice and not Milas' section (and I thought I covered everything pretty darn good).

It is as follows:

Lindsey (which I realized that I spelled your name wrong in my advice section to Drew-mug. I am so very sorry and owe you a high five next time I see you) is the boss and you have to do whatever she says. AND, don't kiss her, 'cause that's sick, and don't have stinky breath (pack some gum - you could put that with your snacks if you so desire). And rub her feet if she can still feel them. And don't forget to tell your wife thank you for birthing your child (because apparently Laura doesn't remember me saying that - but I totally did).

This concludes the advice section directed at Drew-mug by Milas in proxy for Laura. Amen.

Laura Howe said...

I love reading all the labor advice! :) Milas and I thought it was fun at least. My advice is, remember that everyone is different and all labors are different. And remember what your Mom said, Mom's always say the perfect thing and she'll be able to give you the best advice out of anyone.

The one advice that has helped me with my labors is to have FAITH that your body can do it, epidural or no epidural, you are made for this and just to let your body work the way it should to get the baby out, because it will! You have an awesome body, just ask Drew! :)

Love you, can't wait to see her. You'll be the best at having babies, well almost, I know some pretty good baby havers. :)

Middletonfamily said...

Wow, you got a lot of advice. Everything sounded good. I would like to 2nd the bring snacks but not just for Drew but for both you guys while you are staying the hospital. The food really is not the best!

I was also induced with Nathan and I got the epidural when I was at a 4 and it really did make the labor much more relaxed. I went in at 6pm and had Nathan about 6pm the next day. Being induced was actually a much calmer experience for me then when I had Addie. You don't have to worry about when you should go to the hosipital or about being sent home if you are to early, and you don't have to worry about not getting to the hospital in time. So try and enjoy having it planned! You will do great. I am a total whimp with pain and I still decided to do it a second time. Can't wait to see Darcy in her little tutu!